Innocent Hearts School, Loharan Campus has been conferred with 'Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar' at the district level by the Punjab Government. This state and district level' Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar' is sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Department of School Education and Literacy. It is a matter of utmost pride and honour for Innocent Hearts Group.
School convenes the criteria set by the government for the evaluation of schools such as clean water, sanitization, hygiene, hand hygiene, operation and maintenance, changes in the children's behaviour during the Covid-19 epidemic and their counselling etc. They have focused their attention on every aspect.
The award was received by the Principal of the school, Ms. Shallu Sehgal and Professor Rahul Jain (Deputy Director of Schools and Colleges) at the D.C. office from the Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar - Sh. Ghanshyam Thori, IAS.
It is a matter of pride to mention that Innocent Hearts School, Loharan Campus is also ISO certified under the Environmental Management System Category. In addition, Innocent Hearts, Loharan Campus is now certified by Cambridge Assessment International Education (UK) to offer a curriculum from grades 1st to 8th.
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