Innocent Hearts School organised various activities on the occasion of birth anniversary of 'Shaheed-e-Azam' Bhagat Singh A PowerPoint presentation was shown to the children of Innokids, highlighting the immense love of Bhagat Singh at a young age and being immersed in the colours of patriotism at a young age. Patriotic songs sung by the children and the slogans of 'Inquilab Zindabad' raised by them filled the school premises with patriotic colors. Children of grade V presented patriotism-related slogans of Bhagat Singh, and children of grades VI and VII were asked to write slogans on the life of Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Paintings depicting the freedom-struggle of Shaheed-e-Azam Shaheed Bhagat Singh ji and his thoughts and poems were displayed on the 'Wall of Expression' in the school.
This Blog belongs to Innocent Hearts School of Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions, which is located at Green Model Town, Jalandhar. Innocent Hearts Group is serving the society through providing quality education since 1984.