Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions gave a cash prize of Rs. 75000 to Honour Runner – up Women team of – Rail Coach Factory at Surjeet Hockey Tournament A cash prize of rupees 75000 was awarded to the runner – up women’s Hockey team of Rail Coach Factory in the memory of Founder Director late Smt. Kamlesh Bowry. She had taken a number of steps to provide education to the society. She started a school in hutments which has taken the shape of institutions. Innocent Hearts Group works with the tagline, “Education at Affordable Price.” This was 34th Surjeet Hockey Tournament. On this occasion, Mrs. Shally Bowry -Executive Director of Schools and Mrs. Aradhana Bowry – Executive Director of Colleges were invited as honourable Guests. They presented the cheque to the runner- up team. Mrs. Shally Bowry congratulated the team and wished them good luck for their bright future. Innocent Hearts Group has been sponsoring this prize since last year in th...
This Blog belongs to Innocent Hearts School of Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions, which is located at Green Model Town, Jalandhar. Innocent Hearts Group is serving the society through providing quality education since 1984.